BAN Overview

The Bankers Association of Namibia(BAN) was established in 1997 and
incorporated as a section 21 company under the Companies Act as the
representative trade association for the commercial banking sector in
the country

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The objectives of BAN are to:

Provide a  forum for the consideration of policy matters impacting on the Namibian banking industry 

provide a forum  for members banks to discuss concerns and issues

serve as a platform where members deal with non-competitive issues which are of common interest and of significance to the banking industry in Namibia

act as a medium for communication with the government and all the regulators on matters affecting the activities of banks


To contribute to the sustainability  of banking, and socio-economic development of Namibia


To be the forum for advocacy of matters of policy affecting the banking industry in Namibia and to provide a balanced input guided by sustainability, innovation, fairness, financial inclusion and transformation 

core values

Trust, accountability, agility, ethical conduct, effectiveness